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Organization & Accounts

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Create an account

To get started on NinjaPipe, you’ll need to first create an organization and enter your company details. You will need to enter your company or team name and choose a company URL that’s unique on the platform. This will be the company’s unique name which you and your team members will be prompted with when logging in. You will not be able to select a URL that another company has already taken.

Select Tier & Start Free Trial

NinjaPipe is made for Coaches and Agencies and therefore provides 2 packages to suit these two groups. Each package has 3 tiers which you can choose from. Select the package and tier that suits you, your company or your team and get started.

We collect your card details when signing up to make sure that we only welcome real humans with valid payment details, while combatting spam. We do not charge you during the free trial and you can cancel anytime with no conditions. You can also modify or remove your details anytime through the billing settings after signing in.

We partner with Stripe to manage our payments securely.

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