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Effortlessly connect and communicate with your team members using NinjaPipe’s intuitive “Chat” feature. Designed for seamless and real-time communication, the chat functionality ensures that collaboration is at your fingertips. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate and make the most of the Chat feature within the NinjaPipe platform:

1. Accessing the Chat Section:

On the top of the dashboard, click on “Chat.” This action will direct you to the Chat page, where you can initiate and engage in conversations with your team members.

2. Chat Interface:

Upon entering the Chat page, your ongoing chats will appear on the right side of the page. This interface provides a clear and convenient view of your active conversations.

3. Initiating a New Chat:

To start a new chat, use the search function to find contacts. Simply enter the name of the person you want to chat with, and a list of matching contacts will appear. Click on the contact’s name to start a new chat with them.

4. Searching Contacts and Chats:

The search functionality extends beyond initiating new chats. You can also search for old chats by team member names. This ensures that you can easily retrieve and reference previous conversations for seamless collaboration.

NinjaPipe’s “Chat” feature serves as a dynamic and user-friendly communication tool. By providing a clear interface for ongoing chats, an efficient search function for initiating new conversations, and the ability to search for past interactions, NinjaPipe’s Chat feature facilitates effective team communication within the platform. Whether you’re starting new discussions or referring to past conversations, the Chat feature ensures that communication remains fluid and accessible for enhanced collaboration.

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