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Create Quote or Invoice

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Effortlessly generate professional quotes and invoices with NinjaPipe’s intuitive “Create Quote or Invoice” feature. Tailored to simplify the quoting process, this tool allows users to seamlessly create, customize, and share quotes and invoices with clients. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate and utilize the Quote feature within the NinjaPipe platform:

1. Accessing the Quote Section:

  • Start by selecting the “Sales” section at the top of the dashboard. Under Sales, click on “Quote” to enter the Quote page.

2. Initiating Quote or Invoice Creation:

  • On the Quote page, locate and click the “+” button to begin creating a new quote or invoice. This action prompts the creation process.

3. Deal Details:

  • Associate the quote with a deal, customize the payee, and add line items. You can select an existing deal or create a new one. Click “Next” to proceed to the details page.

4. Quote Details:

Specify quote details, including type (Quote, Invoice, Receipt), quote name, domain, content slug, URL, comments to the buyer, and purchase terms. Click “Next” to proceed.

5. Branding & Buyer Information:

  • Update branding for the quote or invoice and fill in company information for both your company and the buyer. This includes company name, address, phone, logo, and buyer details. Click “Next” to proceed.

6. Line Items:

  • Add line items to your quote or invoice. Include product or service details such as name, SKU, billing start date, term, frequency, quantity, unit price, unit discount, and more. Click “Next” to proceed.

7. Signature & Review:

  • Enable signatures, add participant names, and generate the quote. Choose a signature option (No Signatures, Enable Signatures, Participant Names) and click “Generate Quote.”

8. View and Download:

  • Once generated, your quote is successfully created. View it on the Quote page, and also, your quote will be available for download as a PDF document on your desktop.

NinjaPipe’s “Create Quote or Invoice” feature provides a comprehensive and efficient solution for businesses to generate professional quotes and invoices. By guiding users through a step-by-step process, this tool ensures accuracy and customization, making the quoting process seamless and effective within the NinjaPipe platform.

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