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Ninjapipe Overview

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Here is how you can use the Overview feature to view a summary of your business using NinjaPipe. Once you create an account on NinjaPipe, you are greeted with a comprehensive NP Overview that empowers you to take control of your tasks and projects. Let’s looking into the features that make NinjaPipe a go-to solution for teams and individuals alike.

Total Contacts:

 Keep your contacts organized effortlessly. The NP Overview provides a snapshot of your total contacts, ensuring you have quick access to essential information about your professional network.

New Deals:

Stay on top of your business opportunities with the “New Deals” feature. This section gives you real-time updates on potential collaborations, allowing you to make informed decisions promptly.

Active Pipelines:

Monitor the progress of your ongoing projects seamlessly. The “Active Pipelines” feature provides insights into the status of your pipelines, ensuring you are always in the loop.

New Leads:

Identify and capitalize on new business prospects efficiently. The NP Overview highlights “New Leads,” enabling you to expand your network and nurture promising connections.

All Tasks:

Keep your tasks organized and prioritized. The NP Overview consolidates all your tasks in one place, providing a centralized hub for efficient task management.

But the exploration doesn’t stop there. NinjaPipe goes beyond the basics, offering a range of features to supercharge your productivity:

Invite Your Team Members:

Collaborate seamlessly by inviting your team members to join NinjaPipe. Foster a culture of teamwork and communication within your organization.

Create a Pipeline:

Tailor your project workflows by creating pipelines that align with your business objectives. NinjaPipe allows you to customize pipelines to suit the unique needs of your projects.

Add Contacts:

Expand your professional network effortlessly. Add contacts directly within the platform, ensuring all your connections are easily accessible when you need them.

Create Tasks and Assign Them:

Efficient task management is at your fingertips. Create tasks, assign them to team members, and track progress seamlessly, all from the NP Overview.

Create Automation:

Upgrade your efficiency with automation. NinjaPipe allows you to create automation rules that streamline repetitive tasks, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors.

Download the Free Apps:

Stay connected on the go. Download the free NinjaPipe apps for mobile devices, ensuring that you can manage your tasks and projects from anywhere.

In conclusion, NinjaPipe offers more than just an overview; it provides a robust platform for individuals and teams to collaborate effectively, manage tasks effortlessly, and drive business growth. Explore the power of NinjaPipe today and experience a new level of productivity in your professional endeavors.


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