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Create Forms

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Creating customized forms has never been more straightforward with NinjaPipe’s user-friendly interface. Located under the Marketing section at the top of the dashboard, the “Create Form” feature empowers users to design and personalize forms according to their specific needs. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create and customize your form seamlessly:

1. Access the Create Form Page:

Navigate to the Marketing section on the top of the dashboard and select “Create Form.” This action will direct you to the Create Form page, where you can start building your form from scratch.

2. Create Form:

Click on the “Create Form” button to initiate the form-building process. Provide a name for your form and click on “Create.” Congratulations! You now have a form ready to be tailored to your requirements, named “Entry.”

3. Customize Using Various Options:

NinjaPipe offers a range of customization options to enhance your form:

  • Welcome Slide: Begin your form with a welcome or introductory message.
  • Ending/Thank You Slide: Conclude your form with a concluding message.
  • Multiple Choice: Choose one or more options from a list.
  • Dropdown: Select one option from a dropdown list.
  • Date Picker: Choose a date using a calendar interface.
  • Short Answer: Enter a single line of text.
  • Long Answer: Ideal for paragraphs and longer responses.
  • Number: Suitable for numeric answers.

4. Additional Form Actions:

  • Share Your Form: Distribute your form to the intended audience.
  • Preview Your Form: Review your form’s appearance before finalizing.
  • Edit Form Name: Modify your form’s name according to your preferences.
  • Delete Questions: Remove any unwanted questions for a streamlined form.
  • Publish or Save as Draft: Choose to publish your form or save it as a draft for later adjustments.
  • View Responses: Track and analyze the responses submitted through your form.

5. Settings for Further Customization:

Within the settings, you can:

  • Enable/Disable Questions: Tailor your form by enabling or disabling specific questions and choices.

NinjaPipe’s “Create Form” feature provides a versatile and intuitive platform for designing forms tailored to your unique requirements. With a myriad of customization options and user-friendly controls, you can effortlessly create, modify, and manage forms for various purposes. Whether for surveys, feedback collection, or data gathering, NinjaPipe’s Create Form feature empowers users to design effective forms with ease.

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